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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - April 15

Our Favorite Women's Tennis Coach
Hi there and thanks for reading! It's been a wonderful week and a half in our world and it's time to reflect on all the amazing things that have happened. As always, we know how important it is to give credit where it's due --- so we're gonna name some names...Ready? :)

GREAT THANKS to our favorite women's coach: Coach Amy Bryant has been a longtime friend of and believer in HIGH-TECH TENNIS. Not only have we we provided video services to her annual summer camp at Emory University for the past 5(?) years (how sweet to send those sweet little campers home with sweet little video souvenirs that will be precious treasures for years to come) but this year, Coach Amy got serious about using video: she contacted us ahead of time and reserved time on our calendar for us to record doubles and singles matches throughout the spring tennis season. YAHOO! Coach Amy's team finished second last year and they're gunning for first this year. They can do it too because our videos provided the missing link-so GOOD LUCK EMORY EAGLES...Win your 6th natl championship (Coach Amy's 5th) and we'll be cheering for you!!! :)

GREAT THANKS to a great friend, great coach, and longtime supporter of HIGH-TECH TENNIS: Coach Pete Townes knows VIDEO WORKS and it was just a matter of time before we were able to bring it to his students...This pic was at the YMCA in Buckhead---a first but definitely not a last for us---cuz the players DUG it and we DUG that, lol. Most of all, we love being around people who GET IT. What is wrong with these other academies??????? YOU TELL ME. I think that many of these academies are more concerned with getting paid than with getting the message across to the players. SAD BUT TRUE - That's only my opinion but it's based on 5+ years of begging these guys to wake up. :(

GREAT THANKS to THE UNIVERSE for enabling us to be home for a very important event. "Don't Pass Me By" - A Third Annual Celebration of Sean Costello. Sean was a good friend of ours and he passed away 3 years ago tonight (Friday)-just one day before his 29th birthday. :( We have formed the "Video Does Good" program in his honor and we will donate $1 for every video sold to support the Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research. We hope you will consider matching our contribution. Visit our website for more information about Sean...or ask us about him when you see us. We miss him sooo much---May he rest in peace forever.

But as always, the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. It is truly a privilege to play a small part in the development of your junior tennis player - and living this dreamy life is tough to beat! :) Thank you for your ongoing support - and our video camcorders will be looking for YOU! Finally, it's been a few tough days at the office for Rog, but LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY FED-FOREVER, and our video cameras will be looking for YOU at a tournament real soon! :)

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