Welcome to the perfect place to discuss anything and everything related to HIGH-TECH TENNIS.

Comments regarding our ongoing anonymous research project will be included,
as well as anything else we think is interesting.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 30


HI and thanks for reading! As you might guess, it's been another wonderful week in our world and we're happy to hit the highlights for you...Ready, set, here we go:

For the 4th consecutive year, we were sooo thankful to spend Thanksgiving surrounded by those we love - at the Mobile Tennis Center, of course!!! :) Truly can't think of anyplace we'd rather be! GREAT THANKS to Scott and Lorraine Novak for another marvelous event...and you would not believe how many players/parents told us it was the best tournament experience they'd EVER had. We couldn't agree more and we're thrilled to make a great tournament better by adding the value AND the fun of VIDEO! We're sure they have big fun at the Eddie Herr tournament - but we'll never know since it's held at the same time as the National Open 14 in Mobile - and you can take this to the bank: We'll take SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY over FLORIDA - enough said, end of story.

Don't ya just love it when the universe sends positive and surprising news??? WE DO! :) We treasure great relationships w/ great people and we love being surrounded by soo much goodwill!!! GREAT THANKS to Bonnie Bajorek Daneker for years of friendship, support, and more in both my current and my former careers (LOL). GREAT THANKS also to Jason Lampione for providing opportunities for greater exposure than we'd ever dreamed possible.

But as always, the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. It's a privilege to play a small part in the development of your junior tennis player - and we love living this dreamy life. You may not remember Candid Camera (but I do - grrr - how did I get to be so old??? LOL) but just remember this: our cameras will be looking for YOU!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 23

HI and thanks for reading! It has really been a wonderful week in our world. We're hitting the road early in the AM so how about some early highlights from our exciting week?!

Last Wednesday (11/17) was our 10th Wedding Anniversary!!! YAHOOO-that called for some serious celebrating (one night just was not enough). Wednesday night we had big fun (as always) at the beautiful Brick Store Pub in Decatur, GA and then on Saturday night, we branched out to discover a hot new spot called Two Urban Licks in Atlanta, GA. We're not as young as we used to be (LOL) so we had to increase the recovery time following celebrations like this but what a WONDERFUL way to celebrate an entire decade of wedded bliss. :)

Aside from celebrating and recovering, we spent the remainder of the week producing college recruit videos, planning 2011 events, catching our breath, and catching up on some much-needed R&R. BIG PROPS to local author Daniel Black for "Perfect Peace" - one of the best books I've read in such a long time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING.

After five loooong years in the tennis trenches (LOL), a colleague who's developing an article for a tennis publication contacted us. We were thrilled at the opportunity to provide input...and that prompted us to think about the excellent coaches we've met. We're frequently asked to recommend a good coach or good academy --- so we posted an exclusive list HERE. GREAT THANKS to those who made the list and our apologies to those who did not. We're all in this tennis boat together so let's help each other every chance we get, o.k.

As always, the GREATEST THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. We work hard ("It's a tough way to make an easy living!") but it's a real privilege to live this dreamy dream and we always appreciate your kindness and your amazing support. We hope you have a wonderful holiday with the ones you love, because we know we will - at the National Open in Mobile! LOLOL. Always remember that our cameras will be looking for YOU! :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Customer Feedback

"Thank you so very much for the most recent video.
I promise you that this video has been studied very intensely by my son and his coach in preparation
for his next tournament.
We are very grateful for what you do!!!"

Mother of 17 Year Old Junior from Nashville, TN
(and Repeat Customer Since 2007)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 17

HI and thanks for reading! It has really been a wonderful week in our world. Hope you're ready for some highlights because they're ready for you!

As you may remember, we went to the MOBILE BULLFROG last week and WOW O WOW - WE DOUBLED OUR NUMBERS OVER LAST YEAR! We finished the tournament on Monday afternoon and then we hung around for back2back Women's Clinics...See, we're not just for juniors anymore, LOL!!! Believe me, those women (of all ages and all abilities) were reeeeeeally into it. One of them even told me she worked for a local tv station and asked whether we'd be interested in them doing a feature on us? WOULD WE EVER!!!!!!!!! :) Stay tuned...We've almost hit the big time now, lololol.

So we set a goal of getting the DVDs into the mail by Friday and that meant we kicked the HIGH-TECH TENNIS HUSTLE into high gear on Wednesday morning. If you're keeping track at home, we burned and distributed 75 DVDs in two and a half days. NOT BAD, hey? :) Of course, we barely slept or ate or did anything else but we met our goal. YAAAY for us!

We brought our video services to the Athens Bulldog Junior Championships for the first time and GREAT THANKS go out to TD Cole Donley - a good guy who GETS IT. We had a great time and Cole welcomed us back to any of his tournaments next year. YAHOO!!! Since then, we watched our beloved Vikings lose on Sunday (sigh) and Danny's been busy with College Recruit Videos while I've been coordinating events for 2011 and doing everything else that needs done (Danny thinks he does all the work - but we know better). :)

As always, the GREATEST THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. We work hard ("It's a tough way to make an easy living!") but it's a real privilege to live this dreamy dream and we so appreciate your kindness and your amazing support. November has been a month of celebrations (HIGH-TECH TENNIS turned 5 last week) and we're celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this weekend. No worries, though, we'll be back in Mobile at the National Open BG14 next week and our cameras will be looking for YOU! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Customer Feedback

"It's so ridiculous how kids steal matches.
Now I have proof.
I love High Tech Tennis!
If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have this proof!"
14 Yr Old Junior from Hot Springs, AR
(and Repeat Customer Since July 2009)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Customer Feedback

On behalf of my family and I, we just wanted to say
You guys have always been great to my son and I.
We really do appreciate it.
Once again, THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
Father of 17 Year Old Junior from Indianola, MS
(and Repeat Customer Since July 2006)

Customer Feedback

"Thank you sooo much, HIGH-TECH TENNIS!
I always appreciate everything you guys do at these tournaments...and it's so much fun
for me to see these videos!"
Father of 16 Yr Old Junior from Marietta, GA
(and Repeat Customer Since May 2008)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Customer Feedback

"Thanks for video-ing (my son). I "got it" a long time ago when we met you and DT. Thanks for your service,
which is second to none."
Father of 14 Yr Old Junior from AR
(and Repeat Customer Since 07/09)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Customer Feedback

"This is such a great idea. Thank you for doing this!
We would love to purchase my daughter's videos from the
GA Closed Chps!"
Mother of 10 Year Old Junior from Columbus, GA

‎"HIGH-TECH TENNIS? The couple that travels around to tournaments and video tapes our matches to help us learn?
The people who are always so friendly and I'm always happy to see at tournaments?
I saw them this weekend in Mobile!"

Junior Player and Our Friend from TN :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 10

HI and thanks for reading! Well, it's been another wonderful week in our world - OMG, has it ever! Read all about it:

We were so excited to participate in our 4th consecutive MOBILE BULLFROG and we hoped (and sort of expected) to be pretty busy but my oh my - we had no idea this would happen: WE DOUBLED OUR NUMBERS OVER LAST YEAR (and last year's numbers were nothing to sneeze at, LOL)!!! WOW O WOW - We blew past our previous Bullfrog record (set 6 weeks ago in Cary) and we just demolished our previous one day record (set 6 months ago at the Spring Closed in Mobile).

OF COURSE, we're well aware that we owe sooo much to sooo many and this week's GREAT THANKS go to one of our favorite people on the planet: TD Scott Novak. Scott took a pretty big chance on us four years ago when we called to ask if we could be part of the excitement at the Mobile Tennis Center. We hope he NEVER regrets taking that chance and we're happy to do anything he asks of us in our ongoing effort to repay that kindness.

Then, I was chatting with a wonderful new customer friend from Athens on Sunday (what's ur next tourn, etc). She offered / made a quick phone call--next thing we know we're going to the Athens Bulldog Junior Chps this Saturday for ONE DAY ONLY. So pls reserve your matches ASAP... Can't wait to see old friends and make new ones in Athens in just 3 short days... GREAT THANKS to Angie Thompson for the Athens hookup! We just never know where the break is gonna come and we're ready for the next great adventure, LOL. Oh and don't let me forget to say GREAT THANKS to the tennis gods for making Danny's arm well enough to handle all this exciting excitement!

By far the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our amazing customers and friends. We realize that we're surrounded by such outstanding good will and that's what enables us to live this dreeeeeeamy dream. Not only that, what a privilege it is to help your junior tennis player play better tennis!!! And don't ever forget that our video cameras will be looking for YOU!!! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 3

HI and thanks for reading! Well, it's been another wonderful week in our world - hope you're ready for some highlights cuz they're coming at ya:

In spite of coming home from MN with his arm in a sling last week - combined with extreme anxiety caused by our JUNK health insurance (GRRRRR) - it looks like Danny will survive this blasted bicep tendon tear. Who needs full supination power - hey, who even knows exactly what it is anyway, LOL? Think about the ability to turn a doorknob or a screwdriver. Now think about having a 40% reduction in your ability to do it. Would you spend $5K+ to repair that? Didn't think so!!! :) Life goes on but would give anything for health care that cares about our health. Meantime, I've been caregiver extraordinaire this week while Danny has been in full-blown patient mode. First he had the bum arm (ice, heat, ibuprofen) and then he got clobbered with a really bad cold (nyquil, cold medicine, liquids). I am happy to report that he has made a full recovery (almost) and we will return to our normal schedule as of TODAY. I may have missed my calling. :)

As always, we are well aware that we owe soo much to soo many so this week, GREAT THANKS to a couple of college coaches: Coach Amy Bryant (EMORY) for reserving time on our calendar for the Women's Tennis Team and Coach Manny Diaz (UGA) for reserving time on our calendar for the Bulldog Tennis Camp and the Southern Intercollegiate Championships. Finally, let's not forget a couple of amazing TDs: Craig A. Jones for always welcoming us to the amazing Idle Hour Country Club in Macon and Scott Novak for letting us be part of all the excitement at the Mobile Tennis Center!!!

By far the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our amazing customers and friends. We are surrounded by outstanding good will and that enables us to live this dreamy dream. It is truly a privilege!!! Don't forget - our video cameras will be looking for YOU!!! :)